20 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. Such a fabulous goat creamery that has helped a few goats find a beautiful peace of land to live on with some amazing people to live on it with… Sendin some lovin to all you up in the ME!


      • Hi and thanks for reaching out! We don’t currently have any males on the farm. And generally speaking, we try to minimize our goats’ exposure to goats from other farms, to reduce the chance of disease transmission (keeping our herd as “closed” as possible). Good luck!


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  3. Hi and thanks for reaching out! We don’t currently produce anything soap-related, though we are considering it. If you’d like to get some goat milk to make soap with, feel free to reach out in the spring when we are milking again.


  4. Do you have Any kids for sale. My 3 year old female lost her sister in January. Doesn’t need to be a premium goat. They are friends


    • Thanks for being in touch, and sorry to hear that. We will have lots of kids born soon, who will be weaned and ready to go in May. If you check back in then we’ll have plenty of kids for you to choose from.


  5. I noticed in a previous comment that you do not over stud service, do you know of any place in the area that would offer stud service for a nubian?


  6. Enjoyed your cheese at The Strawberry Fesitval in Wayne. Would like to purchase more. Any farmstands in the area that might carry it?


    • Hi, glad you enjoyed the cheese! The closest farm stand that carries our cheese is The Milkhouse in Monmouth. They are usually stocked, but you might want to call ahead to make sure they have it (they have lots of other fabulous dairy, meat, and vegetable products too). Thanks!

      On Sat, Jul 30, 2022 at 3:37 PM Cosmic Goat Farm and Creamery < comment-reply@wordpress.com> wrote:



  7. Hi, we are looking for an older companion goat for our 30 year old donkey. He recently lost his goat friend and is lonely. Do you have any older goats for sale? We are in Monmouth.


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